Effective Refining Intensity and Its Application in Low Consistency Refining Process by Disc Refiner
Received:October 20, 2022  
Key Words:pulp and papermaking  disc refiner  low consistency refining  refining intensity  characterization parameter
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金(50745048);陕西省重点研发计划项目(2020GY-105)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
LIU Huan College of Materials Science & Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Provience 710021 710021
DONG Jixian* College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering China Key Lab of Light Industry Equipment Manufacturing Intelligence Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Provience 710021 710021
ROUX Jean-Claude Université Grenoble Alpes Grenoble-INP-Pagora Grenoble F-38000 France 38000
PU Yongping College of Materials Science & Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Provience 710021 710021
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Abstract:In this paper, a theoretical analysis was conducted to investigate the characterization effect of the existing refining intensity on the refining process conducted by straight bar plates without dam. The results showed that the net normal force (fnnet) and tangential force (ftnet) per bar crossing zone were the only two effective refining intensity, which not only were applicable to the characterization of low consistency refining conducted by straight bar plates without dams, but also could be extended to plates with dams and curved bars. The application of Specific Edge Load (SELC and SELT) with physical meanings was limited and they were only applicable to the characterization of low consistency refining conducted by plates with constant angular parameters. The reasonable establishment, selection and application of refining intensity not only were related to the understanding of the refining mechanism, but also directly affected the optimal control of low consistency refining, the design and selection of refiner plates.
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