Study on Liquid Phase Depolymerization of Lignin Catalyzed by Zinc-based Compounds
Received:December 17, 2022  
Key Words:lignin  depolymerization  liquefaction rate  homogeneous catalyst  catalytic
Fund Project:广西自然科学基金面上项目(2020GXNSFAA159114);广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科AB21196001);国家自然科学基金面上项目(22175045)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
ZHOU Yulian Guangxi Road & Bridge Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530200 530200
LIU Wanyu State Key Lab of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Non-food Biomass National Engineering Technology Research Center of Non-food Biomass Energy Guangxi Aldehyde-free Environmental Protection Particleboard Engineering Research Center Guangxi Academy of Science Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530007 530007
LIU Zhonglin State Key Lab of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Non-food Biomass National Engineering Technology Research Center of Non-food Biomass Energy Guangxi Aldehyde-free Environmental Protection Particleboard Engineering Research Center Guangxi Academy of Science Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530007 530007
LI Yanming* State Key Lab of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Non-food Biomass National Engineering Technology Research Center of Non-food Biomass Energy Guangxi Aldehyde-free Environmental Protection Particleboard Engineering Research Center Guangxi Academy of Science Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530007 530007
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Abstract:Bagasse lignin (BL) was extracted from bagasse soda pulping black liquor by acid precipitation. Aiming at the shortcomings of BL such as low reactivity and solubility in uti1ization, four kinds of catalysts, such as Zn, ZnO, Zn(NO32, and ZnAc, were used to catalyze BL liquefaction reaction in NaOH/H2O2 solution at high lignin concentration (mass fraction of 10%). The results indicated that BL was oligomers with rich phenolic hydroxyl group content (approximately 2.81 mmol/g) and broad molecular weights (Mn =11270). The BL could be depolymerized into soluble compounds effectively by zinc and its compounds, and ZnAc had the best catalytic effect, with a BL liquefaction yield of 40.9%, which was 2.68 times that of the blank. The catalytic active center was converted into the corresponding zinc-ammonia complex by adding NH3·H2O, and the repolymerization of lignin quinoid intermediates in the NaOH/H2O2 solution system could be reduced by adding phenol. The liquefaction yield of BL could be further improved to 84.2% under the optimized conditions. SEM-EDS and GPC showed that the insoluble material produced by depolymerization was mainly coke, and the liquefied products included small molecular aromatic compounds and lignin chain fragments with number average molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of 3058 and 1.570, respectively.
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