Operational Efficiency of IC Anaerobic Reactor for OCC Wastewater Treatment
Received:April 19, 2024  
Key Words:IC anaerobic reactor  OCC wastewater  anaerobic granular sludge  hydraulic retention time
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
LI Xionglin Shandong Bohui Paper Industrial Co., Ltd., Zibo, Shandong Province,256400 256400
WEI Qingwei* Shandong Bohui Group Co., Ltd.,Zibo, Shandong Province,256400 256400
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Abstract:A new 2 900 m3 IC anaerobic reactor had been built by an OCC papermaking company, and the anaerobic granular sludge from the same kind of wastewater was introduced. After starting up for 21 d, the IC anaerobic reactor reached the design loading and could treat OCC wastewater for 15 000 m3/d with total CODCr for 50 000 kg/d. The CODCr removal rate was 72%~86%, and the VFA of reactor outlet water remained 30~110 mg/L, indicating the new IC anaerobic reactor can improve efficiency in a short time.
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