Study on the Effect of Formation Index on the Strength and Pore Properties of Carbon Paper-base Paper
Received:September 08, 2023  
Key Words:carbon paper-base paper  formation index  dispersant  tensile strength  porosity
Fund Project:浙江省“尖兵”研发攻关计划项目(2022C01066);2022年度浙江科技大学研究生科研创新基金项目。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
MENG Bangai School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
CHEN Yifei School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
KONG Zhiqi School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
HUANG Yike School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
GUO Daliang* School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
CHEN Jianbin School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
SHA Lizheng School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
ZHAO Huifang School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
LI Jing School of Environment and Natural Resources Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Hangzhou Zhejiang Province 310023 310023
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Abstract:In this study, carbon fiber was used as raw material to prepare carbon paper-base paper with different formation properties by changing the type of dispersant, the dispersion stability and uniformity of carbon fiber suspension were investigaled, and the relationship between formation index and permeability, tensile strength and porosity was discussed. Compared with single APAM, TOCNs and PU dispersants, the dispersion stability and uniformity of carbon fiber suspension dispersed by composite dispersants system composed of 0.1% APAM and 1% PU were improved, which had the best formation index of 10.32. With the decrease of formation index, the thickness deviation of carbon paper bas-paper decreased from 21.76 mm to 0.96 mm, the tensile strength increased from 0.15 kN/m to 1.68 kN/m, the porosity decreased from 93.5% to 90.5%, and the permeability decreased from 1 658.9 L/(m2·s) to 1 171.5 L/(m2·s).
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