Research on Multi-energy Complementary Dispatching Model for Papermaking Industrial Park
Received:April 12, 2023  
Key Words:papermaking park  thermoelectric  low carbon  model  complementary dispatching
Fund Project:人工智能与数字经济广东省实验室(广州)青年学者项目(PLZ2021KF0019)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
LIU Chang State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong Province 510640 510640
ZHU Xiaolin State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong Province 510640 510640
MAN Yi State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong Province 510640
Guangdong Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Lab (Guangzhou) Guangzhou Guangdong Province 510335 
HE Zhenglei* State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong Province 510640 510640
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Abstract:A dispatching method of multi-energy synergies and complementarity was put forward in this paper, to improve the consumption level of wind power and photovoltaic, and promote the energy saving and carbon reduction of papermaking park. Firstly, based on the annual energy consumption of papermaking park, a characteristic daily acquisition model representing the annual energy consumption was established by machine learning technology. Secondly, for a combination of economic and environmental cost, a multi-energy scheduling model of wind, light, heat, electricity, and storage was established. Through the verification of model operation results in several typical scenes, it was found that the proposed complementary dispatching model method could effectively improve the low carbonization level of functional system in papermaking park under the premise of ensuring the energy demand.
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