Separators for Lithium-ion Batteries: A Composite Network of Cellulosic Fibers and Zirconia Fibers Enhanced with Fiber-derived Additives
Received:April 06, 2023  
Key Words:battery separators  zirconia fibers  cellulosic fibers  interfiber bonding  fiber-derived additives
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金面上项目(218708046);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-12-0811);高层次人才持续发展专项(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)(2572021CG04);龙江学者支持计划(Q201809)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
ZHAI Ru Research Division for Sustainable Papermaking & Advanced Materials Key Lab of Bio-based Materials Science and Technology of Ministry of Education Northeast Forestry University Harbin Heilongjiang Province 150040 150040
CUI Rukun Research Division for Sustainable Papermaking & Advanced Materials Key Lab of Bio-based Materials Science and Technology of Ministry of Education Northeast Forestry University Harbin Heilongjiang Province 150040 150040
QIAN Xueren Research Division for Sustainable Papermaking & Advanced Materials Key Lab of Bio-based Materials Science and Technology of Ministry of Education Northeast Forestry University Harbin Heilongjiang Province 150040 150040
SHEN Jing* Research Division for Sustainable Papermaking & Advanced Materials Key Lab of Bio-based Materials Science and Technology of Ministry of Education Northeast Forestry University Harbin Heilongjiang Province 150040 150040
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Abstract:In this study, zirconia fibers and cellulosic fibers were converted into paper with fiber-derived additives (from softwood pulp), which were used to regulate the porosity and strength of the fiber network. The feasibility was explored for the preparation of lithium-ion battery separators by paper making method. The results showed that compared with paper prepared from pure wood pulp, the addition of zirconia fiber could improve the porosity and electrolyte uptake of composite paper. When the zirconia fiber content reached 40% (based on paper basis weight), treating the composite paper with fiber-based additives led to a significant enhancement by approximately 50% in tensile strength and a reduction by around 10% in porosity compared to before treating. Additionally, there was no noticeable alteration in electrolyte sorption. The electrochemical stability window value of the battery prepared from the composite paper was about 4.3 V, and the ion conductivity of the separator was as high as 0.077 S/m, the battery maintained a capacity retention rate of approximately 80% after 50 cycles.
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