Study on Optimizing Cigarette Paper to Decrease the Combustion Coal Fallout Propensity of Burning Heads in Medium Cigarettes
Received:October 18, 2022  
Key Words:medium cigarettes  cigarette paper  combustion coal  fallout propensity
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
TIAN Yu Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. Ltd. Taiyuan Shanxi Province 030032 030032
XIA Yingying* Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. Ltd. Taiyuan Shanxi Province 030032 030032
CHAI Zhangqi Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. Ltd. Taiyuan Shanxi Province 030032 030032
BAO Shengli Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. Ltd. Taiyuan Shanxi Province 030032 030032
FAN Jie Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. Ltd. Taiyuan Shanxi Province 030032 030032
ZHANG Qi Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. Ltd. Taiyuan Shanxi Province 030032 030032
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Abstract:This study investigated the effects of cigarette paper quantity, air permeability, magnesium salt content of combustion aids, and the proportion of potassium salt in combustion aids on the fallout propensity of combustion coal during the static combustion of medium cigarettes. Combined with orthogonal experimental design, the degree of influence of various parameters on the fallout propensity of combustion coal during the static combustion was analyzed. Finally, a ratio of 30 soft wood to 70 hardwood fibers was selected, with a calcium carbonate content of 28%, and a combination of potassium citrate, potassium malate, and sodium citrate combustion aids, the design scheme with a sodium potassium ratio of 1∶1.2 and content of 1.5% (calculated by citrate) as the combustion aid was optimized, resulting in a decrease in the dropping rate of the combustion coal from 11.25% to 3.75%.
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