Research Progress of Aerogel Materials in the Preparation of Fresh Water via Solar Vapor Generation
Received:June 16, 2022  
Key Words:aerogel  solar  seawater desalination  photothermal conversion
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31971608);辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(2019-ZD-0125);辽宁“百千万人才工程”培养经费资助;辽宁省高等学校创新人才计划资助项目。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
CAO Xinyu College of Light Industry & Chemical Engineering Key Lab of Biomass Chemistry and Materials of Liaoning Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian Liaoning Province 116034 116034
MA Qinuo College of Light Industry & Chemical Engineering Key Lab of Biomass Chemistry and Materials of Liaoning Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian Liaoning Province 116034 116034
SUN Yanning College of Light Industry & Chemical Engineering Key Lab of Biomass Chemistry and Materials of Liaoning Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian Liaoning Province 116034 116034
JIA Wenchao College of Light Industry & Chemical Engineering Key Lab of Biomass Chemistry and Materials of Liaoning Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian Liaoning Province 116034 116034
SHI Haiqiang* College of Light Industry & Chemical Engineering Key Lab of Biomass Chemistry and Materials of Liaoning Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian Liaoning Province 116034 116034
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Abstract:Solar vapor generation (SVG) is a technical way to obtain fresh water by collecting solar energy to achieve purification of seawater or sewage. The research progress of aerogel materials in SVG system with its opportunities and challenges were briefly reviewed in this paper, which mainly included the ways to enhance the evaporation efficiency of SVG systems, the application progress of polymeric materials, carbon-based materials aerogel and the development direction of aerogel materials used in SVG systems.
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