Effects of High-pressure Homogenization Times on Properties of Eucalyptus Cellulose Nanofibrils
Received:February 18, 2022  
Key Words:cellulose nanofibrils  eucalyptus  high-pressure homogenization  ultrafine grinding pretreatment
Fund Project:山东省重点研发计划项目(2021CXGC010601,2019JZZY010326,2019JZZY010328);国家高端外国专家引进计划(G2021024005L);生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室开放课题项目(ZZ20190205);泰山学者工程。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
JI Dexian* State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
YAN Jiaqiang State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
CHEN Jiachuan State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
LIN Zhaoyun State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
YANG Guihua State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
HE Ming State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
JI Xingxiang State Key Lab of Bio-based Material and Green Papermaking / Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 250353
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Abstract:Bleached eucalyptus pulp was pretreated with ultrafine grinding technology, and then high-pressure homogenized to produce cellulose nanofibrils (CNF). Herein, the effect of high-pressure homogenization on the structure and properties of CNF was investigated. The results showed that the size uniformity of CNF and the stability of its suspension improved with times of high-pressure homogenization increased. When the pulp was high-pressure homogenizated for 20 times, the CNF with Zeta potential of -29.4 mV was obtained, of which the diameter and length were 50~100 nm and 1500~2000 nm, respectively. The CNF suspension demonstrated better stability and the prepared CNF film remained strong hydrophilicity with contact angle of only 30.8° after contacting with water for 90 s.
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