Characteristics and Transition of Steam-liquid Two-phase Flow Patterns inside Multi-channel Cylinder Dryer
Received:March 15, 2022  
Key Words:multi-channel cylinder dryer  horizontal U-shaped cross-section channel  visualization  flow pattern  steam condensation
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金(51375286);陕西省科技成果转化重点项目(2020CGHJ-025);咸阳市重点计划项目(2018k01-45)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
QIAO Lijie* College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
DONG Jixian College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
WANG Bo College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
DONG Yan College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
WANG Sha College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
GUO Haozeng College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
DONG Weixin Library Xi’an University of Science and Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710054 710054
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Abstract:This study was based on the working state of steam condensation heat transfer in a multi-channel cylinder dryer under experimental conditions. Through visualization experiments, the distribution and flow characteristics of the steam-liquid two-phase interface in the horizontal U-shaped cross-section channel were studied. The results showed that there were seven main flow patterns in the steam condensation flow, and the main area where the stable condensation heat transfer occurs was still the annular flow with better heat transfer effect. Meanwhile, the occupied area of the annular flow varied with the operating parameters, and the optimal matching relationship between the steam mass flux and the cooling water mass flow was 35 kg/(m2·s) and 198 kg/h. The heat flux would affect the transition position of the annular flow, but the effect of the heat transfer heat flux on the area of annular flow was different under different steam saturation temperatures.
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