Optimized Power Configuration and Control Method of Variable Reduction Ratio Rewinder Retiring Roller Motor
Received:January 14, 2022  
Key Words:rewinder  retiring roller motor  variable reduction ratio  power configuration
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
MA Huihai* College of Electrical and Control Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
WANG Tengda College of Electrical and Control Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
MENG Yanjing Shaanxi Hechuang Automation Engineering Co. Ltd. Xianyang Shaanxi Province 712000 712000
CHAI Dexi Shaanxi Hechuang Automation Engineering Co. Ltd. Xianyang Shaanxi Province 712000 712000
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Abstract:In view of the contradiction between the demand for torque at large roll diameter and the demand for rotational speed at small roll diameter of the rewinder retiring roller, resulting in excess of motor power configuration, the variable reduction ratio design and power configuration model were proposed. Firstly, the optimization scheme and principle of variable reduction ratio structure were analyzed. Then, the power configuration method was analyzed and the corresponding parameters were calculated, followed by the system working process and reduction ratio switching control process were explained. Finally, the effects of energy saving and cost reduction of variable reduction ratio were explained. Compared with the traditional fixed reduction ratio structure, this program reached the purpose of configuration optimizing, resource and cost saving.
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