Preparation of Nanocellulose from Corncob Residue Using Carboxyethylation and Alkali Pretreatment
Received:April 28, 2021  
Key Words:carboxyethylation  alkali pretreatment  corncob residue  nanocellulose
Fund Project:国家重点研发计划(2017YFE0102500,2017YFB0307901)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
CHEN Changming Gold Hongye Paper Group Co. Ltd. Suzhou Jiangsu Province 215126 215126
CHEN Jinghuan China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co. Ltd. Beijing 100102
National Engineering Lab for Pulp and Paper Beijing 100102 
LIU Jingang China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co. Ltd. Beijing 100102
National Engineering Lab for Pulp and Paper Beijing 100102 
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Abstract:The residue after extracting xylose from corncob is rich in cellulose and lignin. In this study, corncob residue was pretreated by carboxyethylation and 1% NaOH solution, respectively, and then fibrillated into nanocellulose using mechanical grinding. Finally, nanocellulose films were formed by rod coating method. The chemical structure, component content, micro morphology, size distribution, water contact angle and thermal stability of the corncob residue, nanocellulose and their films were analyzed and characterized. The results showed that carboxyethylation pretreatment could increase the content of carboxyl group in corncob residue and remove part of lignin, while alkali pretreatment could remove most of lignin. After pretreatment, the size of raw materials decreased significantly and the accessibility increased. Compared with alkali pretreatment, the diameter and distribution of nanocellulose obtained using carboxyethylation pretreatment were smaller and more uniform. At the same time, the surface of these films was compact and their water contact angle was large. In addition, both pretreatment methods reduced the thermal stability of the final nanocellulose films.
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