Study on the Treatment of Papermaking Wastewater by Ceramsite Filler-Fenton Process
Received:November 01, 2020  
Key Words:papermaking wastewater  ceramics filler-Fenton process  COD removal rate
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
LUO Qing College of Light Industry Science and Engineering National Demonstration Center for Experimental Light Chemistry Engineering Education Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
ZHANG Qiaoxia College of Light Industry Science and Engineering National Demonstration Center for Experimental Light Chemistry Engineering Education Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
ZHANG Anlong College of Environmental Science and Engineering Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
XUE Wei College of Light Industry Science and Engineering National Demonstration Center for Experimental Light Chemistry Engineering Education Shaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710021 710021
ZHAO Deng Xi’an Longhua Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd. Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710019 710019
CHENG Bingjun Xi’an Longhua Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd. Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710019 710019
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Abstract:This study proposed the use of ceramsite filler-Fenton process for advanced treatment of papermaking wastewater after biochemical treatment, with the COD and chromaticity removal rates as evaluation indicators. The optimal process conditions were studied through single factor and orthogonal experiments, and the treatment efficiency of the conventional Fenton process and the ceramsite filler-Fenton process were compared under the same reaction conditions, and the chemical dosage of the two processes were also compared under the same treatment efficiency. The optimum processing conditions were pH value =4, m(COD)∶m(H2O2)=1∶1.5, n(Fe2+)∶n(H2O2)=3∶5, ceramsite filler dosage of 150 g/L and reaction time of 30 min. At the same conditions, the two different processes had similar CODCr removal rate that were more than 70%, two different processes had obvious chroma removal rate of hat was more than 80%. However, under the same COD removal rate, compared with the conventional Fenton process, the ceramsite filler-Fenton process could save 66.7% FeSO4 and 16.7% H2O2. Thus, adopting ceramsite filler-Fenton process for advanced treatment of papermaking wastewater could achieve the purpose of reducing costs.
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