Progress on Functionalization of Cellulose Paper and Its Applications in Energy Conversion
Received:October 15, 2020  
Key Words:cellulose  functional paper  energy conversion
Fund Project:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2017YFD0601004);北京林业大学热点追踪项目(No.2019BLRD12)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
CHEN Yanglei Beijing Key Lab of Lignocellulosic Chemistry Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083 100083
CHEN Sheng Beijing Key Lab of Lignocellulosic Chemistry Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083 100083
ZHANG Xueming Beijing Key Lab of Lignocellulosic Chemistry Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083 100083
XU Feng Beijing Key Lab of Lignocellulosic Chemistry Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083 100083
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Abstract:In this paper, cellulose paper-based functional materials had been widely used in high-tech fields, such as flexible electronics, optoelectronics, energy and sensing. Herein, the common technical methods to prepare cellulose-based functional paper were systematically compared and summarized. The optical, mechanical, electronic, electromagnetic, and sensing properties of the functional paper were briefly described; the applications of cellulose-based functional paper in solar cells, biofuel cells, and triboelectric nanogenerators were well discussed. Finally, the current problems of cellulose-based functional paper were pointed out, and its development in future is also prospected.
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