Detection of Disposable Paper Cup by Raman Spectroscopy and PCA
Received:June 17, 2020  
Key Words:disposable paper cup  Raman spectroscopy  principal component analysis  cluster analysis
Fund Project:中国人民公安大学2019年度基科费重点项目(2019JKF222);国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0822004)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
ZHU Xiaohan People’s Public Security University of China Beijing 100038 100038
HU Yuening People’s Public Security University of China Beijing 100038 100038
HE Xinyi People’s Public Security University of China Beijing 100038 100038
HUANG Guoxi People’s Public Security University of China Beijing 100038 100038
JIANG Hong People’s Public Security University of China Beijing 100038 100038
CHEN Minfan INSP Co. Ltd. Beijing 100084 100084
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Abstract:In order to establish a scientific and effective method to test the physical evidence of disposable paper cup left at the scene of crime, Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics were used to test 27 samples of disposable paper cups of different brands and different uses. The Raman characteristic peaks and peak intensities of different disposable paper cup samples were not the same, so the purpose of distinguishing could be achieved. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the dimension of the full wave band Raman spectrum data. Three factors were designated to extract, which accounted for 99.09% of the original variables. The number of variables were reduced and most of the information was protected. Based on this, using hierarchical clustering and K-means fast clustering, 27 samples were divided into 8 categories, and Fisher discriminant analysis was used to verify the scientific rationality of the classification results, so as to provide the basis for the classification of unknown samples.
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