Effect of Mild Treatment with NaOH/Thiourea on the Morphology and Properties of Wood Pulp Fibers
Key Words:NaOH/thiourea  cellulose fiber  surface morphology  roughness
Author NameAffiliation
XIONG Xiaomin State Key Lab of Bio-based Materials and Green Papermaking Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 
ZHAO Chuanshan* State Key Lab of Bio-based Materials and Green Papermaking Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 
HAN Wenjia State Key Lab of Bio-based Materials and Green Papermaking Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 
JIANG Yifei State Key Lab of Bio-based Materials and Green Papermaking Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 
WANG Sha State Key Lab of Bio-based Materials and Green Papermaking Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences) Ji’nan Shandong Province 250353 
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Abstract:In this study, NaOH/thiourea was used to treat wood pulp fibers at low temperature to obtain the fibers using for paper-based material with high bulk and high air permeability, the effects of treatment time at low temperature (-15℃) and thiourea dosage on fiber morphology and physical properties were studied.The results showed that with treatment time increasing the fiber length decreased slowly, the content of fiber fine decreased, the fiber swelled, curled and kinked.When the amounts of both NaOH and thiourea were 8% and the treatment time was 20 min, the fiber length was shortened by 14.51%, and the fiber fine content was reduced by 60.62% compared with the untreated fiber. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that the treated fiber crystallinity reduced by 2.13%, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis showed that the treated fiber surface showed significant wrinkles and the fiber roughness increased by 159%.At the same time, the average pore size increased from 28.79 μm to 49.62 μm, the bulk and the air permeability of the resultant paper increased by 39.53% and 105.38% respectively.
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