Optimization Algorithm for Production Scheduling of Reel Slitting Based on Nonlinear Integer Programming
Received:October 08, 2018  
Key Words:reel slitting  nonlinear integer programming  model optimization
Fund Project:国家自然基金面上项目(No. 61671028);北京市自然科学基金面上项目(No.4162018);国家重大科技研发子课题(No. ZLJC6 03-5-1);北京工商大学校级两科培育基金项目(No. 19008001270)。
Author NameAffiliation
FU Changyang Beijing Key Lab of Food Safety Big Data Technology, School of Computer and Information Engineering Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048 
WANG Yu* Beijing Key Lab of Food Safety Big Data Technology, School of Computer and Information Engineering Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048 
LIU Xi Beijing Key Lab of Food Safety Big Data Technology, School of Computer and Information Engineering Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048 
XING Suxia Beijing Key Lab of Food Safety Big Data Technology, School of Computer and Information Engineering Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048 
XIAO Hongbing Beijing Key Lab of Food Safety Big Data Technology, School of Computer and Information Engineering Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048 
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Abstract:In this paper a optimization algorithm for production scheduling of reel slitting based on nonlinear integer programming was described in order to reduce the wastes of labor force, time and other resources caused by the unreasonable scheduling scheme, and then reduce the production cost of the enterprise. The idea of this optimization algorithm included: firstly, the mathematical model was built according to the customer's requirement. Then the model was optimized to improve the solution efficiency. Finally, the nonlinear integer programming method was used to solve the above model and to find the optimal production scheduling scheme. The experimental results showed that the optimal scheduling scheme was able to be obtained effectively using the proposed algorithm for reel slitting, and this method could be used in the actual production process.
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