Effect on The Stability of Stirring Speed of Microstickiesin Old Newspaper White Water
Key Words:microstickies  in-line monitor  microstickies-detector  stirring speed
Fund Project:广西自然科学基金项目2015GXNSFBA139042,2017GXNSFAA198200;广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室开放基金项目ZR201607。
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Zhe-yun1 1.Guangxi Key Lab of Clean Pulp Papermaking and Pollution Control College of Light Industry and Food Engineering Guangxi University Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530004 
FENG Qi-ming1 1.Guangxi Key Lab of Clean Pulp Papermaking and Pollution Control College of Light Industry and Food Engineering Guangxi University Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530004 
LI Bo2 2.Stake Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong Province 510640 
ZHU Can-can1 1.Guangxi Key Lab of Clean Pulp Papermaking and Pollution Control College of Light Industry and Food Engineering Guangxi University Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530004 
YANG Zhen-zhen1 1.Guangxi Key Lab of Clean Pulp Papermaking and Pollution Control College of Light Industry and Food Engineering Guangxi University Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530004 
WANG Zhi-wei1,* 1.Guangxi Key Lab of Clean Pulp Papermaking and Pollution Control College of Light Industry and Food Engineering Guangxi University Nanning Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 530004 
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Abstract:The laboratory simulated whitewater of newspaper was studied to reveal the instability mechanism of microstickies, by changing the stirring speed and real-time monitoring various physical and chemical indexes, such as the number of microstickies, the turbidity, conductivity, Zeta potential.etc.The resultsof experiment shown that the stability of microstickieswas clearly related to stirring speed. The stirring speed lower than 300 r/min, colloidal substances (CS) and microstickies were aggregated due to they could not be effectively dispersed, the total number of microstickies was decreased from 5.1509×106 pcs/mL to 4.8491×106 pcs/mL. With the increase of the stirring speed (in 350 r/min,400 r/min), a part of the unstable bound microstickieswere dispersed into the smaller pellet, the total volume increasedfrom 0.64492 mm3/mL to 0.7321 mm3/mL, when stirring speed was higher than 400r/min, the dispersing and coagulation increased at the same time. But more than 700 rpm, many stickies were dispersed, the total number of microstickies increased from 5.7626×106pcs/mL to 6.3115×106pcs/mL.
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