Design and Implementation of Proportional Control System in Claus Sulfur Recovery
Key Words:sulfur recovery  H2S and O2 ratio  fractional order PID  double degree of freedom
Fund Project:陕西科技厅项目(2014k06-10)。
Author NameAffiliation
SHEN Ya-fei College of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringShaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’anShaanxi Province 710021 
LI Ming-hui College of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringShaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’anShaanxi Province 710021 
YANG Xing-kui* College of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringShaanxi University of Science & Technology Xi’anShaanxi Province 710021 
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Abstract:In order to solve the problem of nonlinear and large time delay of H2S and O2 proportional control in Claus sulfur recovery reaction furnace, this paper presented a dual degree of freedom Smith predictor algorithm of fractional order PID controller.Through the analysis of Claus sulfur recovery process,double controller set point tracking controller and disturbance attenuation controller of H2S and O2ratio control system was designed. Compared to traditional PID controller, the system debugging results showed that: H2S and O2 ratio of the algorithm control set point tracking response faster, with small vibration, good stability, and less the quantitative deviation, could effectively overcome the time delay, nonlinear problems.
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