Study on the Factors Affecting Curtain Stability in Curtain Coating
Key Words:stability of curtain  guide rod  thickener  solid content  proportion of pigments
Author NameAffiliation
李洪才1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
孙 军1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
刘金刚1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
王比松1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
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Abstract:The influences of guide rod, thickener, coatings solid content and pigments formulation of coatings on curtain stability in curtain coating were studied. The results showed that the stability of curtain could be improved by increasing the binding force between coatings and guide rod. For the coatings without surfactant, when PVA dosage was 1.5 parts, the operational minimum flow increase from 1.64 c m2/s to 3.07 c m2/s; for coatings with surfactant, when PVA dosage increased from 0.5 part to 1.5 parts, the operational minimum flow decreased from 1.95 c m2/s to 1.55 c m2/s. Coatings solid content had a little effects on curtain stability. When clay content increased from 20 parts to 40 parts, the operational minimum flow increased from 1.92 c m2/s to 2.24 c m2/s.
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