Biomass Gasification Technology Introduction and Industrial References
Key Words:biomass pyrolysis  biomass gasification  BFB gasifier  CFB combustor  GoBiGas project  biomass methane
Fund Project:本课题系陕西省教育厅专项项目资金支持,项目编号12JK0601。
Author NameAffiliation
赵小玲 西安科技大学陕西西安710054 
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Abstract:Biomass pyrolysis technology is just half of biomass thermal converting technology, it includes biomass direct gasification and indirect gasification. Latest technology of biomass gasification can realize the high efficiency integration of biogas, heat and electricity production. This paper introduced the large scale biogas demonstration project and the end product had been supplied to natural gas grid to use for vehicles and residents home using in Europe.
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