Mechanism of Latex Particle Migration during Coating Consolidation (II)
Key Words:coating consolidation  latex particle  migration mechanism  Brownian motion  XPS
Fund Project:本课题为国家自然科学基金项目(50773025)
Author NameAffiliation
杜艳芬1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
臧永华3 3.天津科技大学材料科学与化学工程学院天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
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Abstract:The migration of latex particles to the coating surface during consolidation was investigated, and a new mechanism based on Einstein classical particle diffusion theory and surface trapping effect was proposed to clarify the controversy in coating and related fields. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique was used to determine the elemental composition and content at the surface of coating comprised mainly of micron sized kaolin clay and sub-micron sized styrene butadiene latex, and regression equation was established between surface atomic concentration and latex amount in the formulation. By converting the surface XPS results of coatings dried under various conditions to latex content using the above equation, the effect of various factors on the degree of latex particles migration was analyzed quantitatively for the first time. The results showed that latex migration to coating surface can be promoted by increasing drying temperature and drying time, and decreasing the initial solid content of coating colors, while impeded by raising its particle size, the substrate absorption, initial solids content and viscosity of coating colors, and therefore the new mechanism was verified.
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