A New Cotton Linter Pulping Process
Key Words:impurity agent  cotton linter  beating  cooking  patents
Author NameAffiliation
刘红霞1 1.南京工业大学,江苏南京210042 
薛润林2,* 2.南京义友自控仪表有限公司江苏南京210042 
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Abstract:A new cotton linter pulping process, the cotton linter is beaten before cooking is introduced and patented in China (Patent No.: 201220611105.7), by using this new process more than 80% impurities in the linter can be removed, the waxy material in the pulp can be removed, and the brightness of the pulp can be increased when the pulp are bleached with two-stage hydrogen peroxide process. This new process can reduce COD pollutant and is an energy saving and environmentally friendly pulping process.
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