Comparison of Thermal Performances of Four Kinds of Chemical Fiber
Key Words:chemical fiber  DSC  TG  kinetics
Author NameAffiliation
欧阳春 中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司研发中心上海201702 
吴立群 中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司研发中心上海201702 
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Abstract:The thermal performances of four kinds of chemical fiber included tencel fiber, polyster fibre, polypropylene fiber and aramid fiber were studied by using DSC and TG, their characteristics of phase transition and thermal decomposition in the heating-up process were compared, and the thermal decomposition kinetics models of the four kinds of fiber were established by using Kissinger method , their apparent activation energys were respectively calculated as the follows: 128.66 kJ/mol, 125.12 kJ/mol, 153.58 kJ/mol, 211.19 kJ/mol.
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