Research on Air Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Hot Air Box in Air Cushion Drying System
Key Words:air cushion pulp-sheet drier  hot air box  heat-transfer characteristics  static pressure
Fund Project:南京工程学院青年资金项目(QKJA2011007)。
Author NameAffiliation
张长飞1 1.南京工程学院环境工程系江苏南京211167 
丁克强1 1.南京工程学院环境工程系江苏南京211167 
葛仕福2 2.东南大学能源与环境学院江苏南京210096 
李乾军1 1.南京工程学院环境工程系江苏南京211167 
张东平1 1.南京工程学院环境工程系江苏南京211167 
吴功德1 1.南京工程学院环境工程系江苏南京211167 
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Abstract:This paper investigated some parameters affecting static pressure distribution and heat transfer coefficient of hot air box in air cushion drying system for pulp sheet production such as the shape and configuration of the holes, inlet velocity, gas temperature and percentage of opening. The results showed that the static pressure increases linearly with the flow direction but decrease with the percentage of opening. The round holes creat the highest surface heat transfer coefficient and the triangular holes creat the lowest. The optimal parameters of hot air box are the followings: inlet air temperature 75℃, inlet velocity 12 m/s, mixed arrangement of circular and triangle holes and the percentage of opening 7.42%.
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