Adsorption Behaviour of Alkyl Ketene Dimer on Lime Mud Calcium Carbonate
Key Words:lime mud  commercial calcium carbonate  alkyl ketene dimmer  adsorption behaviour
Fund Project:本课题得到“十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题(项目编号2011BAC11B07)资助。
Author NameAffiliation
杨 扬1 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京100102 
刘金刚1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.造纸工业生产力促进中心北京100102 
苏艳群1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.造纸工业生产力促进中心北京100102 
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Abstract:UV spectrophotometry and particle charge titration were used to measure the adsorption isotherms of AKD on different lime mud calcium carbonates. The same measurements were also conducted with various commercial calcium carbonates (include PCC1、 PCC3、 GCC1 and GCC2) for comparison. The results showed that more AKD particles were absorbed on lime mud calcium carbonates and GCC1 than other commercial fillers used in the experiment. Although lime mud calcium carbonates have higher specific surface area, they tend to absorb less AKD than GCC1 which has lower specific surface area, this probably relates to the charge density of the fillers. The sizing degree of the papers containing different fillers was expressed as Cobb value, the results showed that samples loaded with lime mud calcium carbonate had the maximum Cobb value,and the negative influence of lime mud calcium carbonates on AKD sizing was obvious as the drying temperature increased. Fine GCC had the maximum adsorption of AKD, the sizing degree of paper filled with fine GCC was much higher than the papers filled with lime mud calcium carbonates. This implies that adsorption is not the only main reason for low sizing efficiency.
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