The Further Discussion of Optimal Design of Head Covers of Cast Iron Dryer
Key Words:dryer  head cover  optimal design
Author NameAffiliation
张东峻1 1.天津科技大学天津300222 
郭恒霞2 2.焦作市崇义轻工机械有限公司河南沁阳454550 
卞学询1 1.天津科技大学天津300222 
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Abstract:The authors have analysed various types of head covers commonly used in cast iron dryers when the “Design standard of cast iron dryers used in paper machinery” was formulated first time. Due to the specialty type of dryer heads, it is diffcult to reach a analytic solution, a lot of calculation demonstrate that there are no obvious differences of various types of dryer heads by using finite element method. Based on the theory of shells, through theoretical deduction, the rule of optimal design of dryer head covers is proposed.
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