Application of the Soft-sensing Technique in Pulp Washing Process
Key Words:pulp washing process  soft sensor  neural network  least square method  DCS
Fund Project:本课题得到国家自然科学基金项目(30972322)资助。
Author NameAffiliation
汤 伟1,2 1.陕西科技大学造纸工程学院陕西西安7100212.陕西西微测控工程有限公司陕西咸阳712081 
单文娟1 1.陕西科技大学造纸工程学院陕西西安710021 
王孟效2 2.陕西西微测控工程有限公司陕西咸阳712081 
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Abstract:The most important quality indices of evaluating pulp washing performance are residual alkali in the washed pulp and the Baume degree of the extracted black liquor. Considering the fact of direct on-line instrument measuring of them is very difficult, an adaptive soft-sensing instrument for measuring residual soda and Baume degree is proposed. Voluminous plant operation data collected by DCS and simulated results from a theoretical model are pooled together and used to build the adaptive soft-sensing instrument based on the BP neural network and least square method. Application of the soft-sensing technique in pulp washing control system shows that the control system can run smoothly over a long period on site.
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