The Effects of Relative Humidity on the Properties of the Papers Using for Cigarette Production
Key Words:cigarette paper  tipping paper  plug wrap paper  filter relative humidity  physical indicators
Author NameAffiliation
崔庆军 河北中烟工业公司技术中心河北石家庄050035 
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Abstract:The effects of relative humidity on physical properties of the papers and filter using for cigarette production were studied by changing the environment relative humidity at the constant temperature conditions, the physical properties of the papers and filter at the corresponding relative humidity were measured and regression analysis was conducted. The results showed that: ① there is a linear correlation between paper's MD tensile strength, MD elongation, grammage and relative humidity. AP air permeability of cigarette paper, the tensile energy absorption index of tipping paper and plug wrap paper also have a linear correlation with relative humidity. ② The weight, circumference, hardness, and length of filter have a linear correlation with relative humidity.
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