Volume 31,Issue 7,2012 Table of Contents

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Photo-yellowing Inhibiting of Chemi-mechanical Pulp by Reactive UV Absorber and Fluorescent Brightener
  2012,31(7):1-5 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(764)]
Comparison of Stickies Removal Efficiency of Deinked Pulp Treated by Lipase and Esterase
  2012,31(7):6-10 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(801)]
Preparation of Hydrotalcite by Precipitation-crystallization Process and the Adsorption Kinetics of Resin on the Hydrotalcite
  2012,31(7):11-16 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(759)]
Manufacture of Flame Retardant Paper with Multiple-element Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) as Filler
  2012,31(7):17-21 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(784)]
Study on Fire Retardant Property of the Paper Coated the Combination System of Sodium Aluminum Silicate
  胡 芳,聂双喜,欧阳昌礼,荣 毅,叶昆朋,宋海农
  2012,31(7):22-25 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(856)]
Effects of Trichlorophenol in Paper-making Wastewater on Toxicity of Anaerobic Granular Sludge
  王 艳1,胡梦蝶1,万金泉1,2,马邕文1,2
  2012,31(7):26-30 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(753)]
Study on Wet End Environment of Manufacturing Reconstituted Tobacco by Paper-making Process
  2012,31(7):31-34 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(673)]
Effects of Crude Enzyme of White-rot Fungus Treatment of Tobacco Stem RMP on the Degradation Rate of Lignin and the Physical Properties of the Tobacco Sheet
  安 瑞,谢益民,王 磊,瞿 方,邹进芳
  2012,31(7):35-37 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(725)]


A Control System Design of the Closed Steam Hood for Paper Board Machine
  汤 伟1,周 阳1,王 樨1,王孟效2
  2012,31(7):38-44 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(800)]
The Current Development Satus and Application of Domestic Disc Filter
  王月洁,陈 振,张林涛,李卫芹,陈安江
  2012,31(7):45-51 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(746)]
Mixing Technology of Starch and Filler Simultaneously Close to the Headbox
  2012,31(7):52-56 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(753)]


Extensional Viscosity: Influence on Coating Process and Main Measurement Method
  2012,31(7):57-63 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(795)]
Review on Preparation of Phenolic Resin Adhesive from Black Liquor Lignin
  2012,31(7):64-67 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(687)]


Discussion on the Vacuum Metallization Inner Liner
  韩云辉1,韩 磊2
  2012,31(7):68-70 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(697)]
Operation Practice of D Type Top Former in Paper-making with Long Fibers
  2012,31(7):71-73 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(696)]


The Effect of the Proportion of Poplar APMP on Physical Properties of Yellow Writing Paper
  王旭青1,王 伟2,吕 梁2
  2012,31(7):74-76 [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML(607)]