Study on the Effect and Mechanism of Impregnation and Hot Pressing Process on the Structures and Properties of Carbon Paper
关键词:  碳纸  浸渍  热压  导电性  抗张强度
Key Words:carbon paper  impregnation  hot pressing  conductivity  tensile strength
吴锦涵 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
沙力争* 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
赵会芳 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
吴俊怡 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
苑田忠 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
孙倩玉 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
郭大亮 浙江科技大学环境与资源学院浙江杭州310023 310023
摘要点击次数: 1308
全文下载次数: 901
摘要:本研究通过探究碳纸浸渍和固化过程中酚醛树脂的分布及形态结构,研究浸渍热压工艺对碳纸性能的影响。结果表明,当浸渍时间为4 min,浸渍液浓度为11%时,预固化后碳纸中所含的树脂最多,浸渍量可达154.9%。当热压温度为160 ℃,热压时间为20 min,热压压力为3.0 MPa时,制备的碳纸热压纸性能最好,电阻率仅27.1 mΩ·cm,抗张强度达103.9 N/cm。
Abstract:The phenolic resin distribution and morphological structure during the impregnation and curing process of carbon paper were studied, exploring the effect of impregnation and hot pressing process on the properties of carbon paper. The results showed that the maximum impregnation increment of phenolic resin for pre-impregnated carbon paper was up to 154.9% when the impregnation time and phenolic resin concentration were 4 min and 11%, respectively. The prepared carbon paper after hot-pressed had the best performance when the hot pressing temperature, time and pressure were 160 ℃, 20 min and 3.0 MPa, respectively, of which the resistivity and tensile strength of carbon paper were 27.1 mΩ·cm and 103.9 N/cm, respectively.
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