Effect of Chloropropanol Content in PAE Wet Strength Agents on Chloropropanol Content in Paper Water Extractions
关键词:  氯丙醇  湿强剂  含量  纸张  水提取液
Key Words:chloropropanol  wet strength agent  content  paper  water extraction
牟子曈* 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
曾莹 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
段逸品 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
罗明翔 上海索理思特种化学品有限公司上海201108 201108
孙博 上海索理思特种化学品有限公司上海201108 201108
徐江峰 上海索理思特种化学品有限公司上海201108 201108
王登慧 上海索理思特种化学品有限公司上海201108 201108
吴泽春 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
李丹 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
李浩 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
钟怀宁 广州海关技术中心广东广州510623 510623
摘要点击次数: 1610
全文下载次数: 814
Abstract:In order to detect the chloropropanol content in the polyamide-epichlorohydrin (PAE) wet strength agents, this study established gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to detect the content of 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol (1,3-DCP) and 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD). At the same time, the relationship between chloropropanol content in PAE wet strength agents and in paper water extractions was studied by adding wet strength agents. The content of 1,3-DCP and 3-MCPD decreased significantly with the improvement of the manufacturing process of a certain wet strength agent in 4 batches. The chloropropanol content in water extraction and the tensile strength of the papers were tested by adjusting the dosage of wet strength agent and retention aid. The results showed that the chloropropanol content in paper water extraction was positively correlated with its content in the wet strength agent and was directly proportional to the dosage of wet strength agent. When the actual dosage of retention aid exceeded the recommended dosage of manufacturer, the extracted chloropropanol content showed no significant relationship with the retention aid dosage, but it would cause the wet and dry tensile strength of paper to decline.
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