Random Forest Modeling for Prediction of Effluent Indices of Papermaking Wastewater
关键词:  废水处理过程  随机森林模型  出水指标  回归模型
Key Words:wastewater treatment processes  random forest model  effluent indicators  regression model
基金项目:制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目 201813制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(201813)。
辛辰 南京林业大学林业资源高效加工利用协同创新中心江苏南京210037 
刘鸿斌 南京林业大学林业资源高效加工利用协同创新中心江苏南京210037
摘要点击次数: 5137
全文下载次数: 3626
Abstract:Effluent chemical oxygen demand (COD) and effluent suspended solid (SS) are important quality indicators of papermaking wastewater treatment process. To improve the prediction performance of these two indicators, a random forest (RF) model was proposed and implemented regressing forecasting using R. Compared with the conventional models including partial least squares (PLS), support vector regression (SVR), and artificial neural network (ANN), the RF model had the advantages of high prediction accuracy, small error, better generalization perforamce, and fewer parameters adjustment. In terms of the effluent COD prediction, the correlation coefficient r value of RF was 0.7954, which increased by 8.88%, 10.73%, and 14.68% compared with PLS, SVR, and ANN, respectively. In terms of the effluent SS prediction, the r value of RF was 0.8551, which increased by 15.43%, 24.25% and 30.79% compared with PLS, SVR, and ANN, respectively.
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