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基于Fluent的帘式涂布模头内流场数值模拟 |
The Numerical Simulation of Flow Field within the Curtain Coating Die Based on Fluent |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.05.003 |
关键词: Fluent软件 帘式涂布 涡流 压力降 横向分布 |
Key Words:Fluent software curtain coating eddy pressure drop transverse distribution |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51403239)。 |
摘要点击次数: 7239 |
全文下载次数: 2273 |
摘要:为改善热升华转印纸帘式涂布性能,采用Fluent软件对帘式涂布模头内流场进行数值模拟分析,分别从热升华转印纸涂料固含量及温度两方面因素对模头内流场的影响进行探究。结果表明,热升华转印纸涂料在模头出口处的流速横向分布比较均匀;模头歧管处涡流、压力降随涂料固含量增大而变小,随温度升高而变大,且温度高于25℃及涂料固含量低于17.7%时,模头歧管处易产生涡流不稳定流场,温度低于35℃及涂料固含量高于18.0%时,模头易产生压力降过大现象,需对此模头结构进行优化。 |
Abstract:To improve the performance of curtain coating ,Fluent software was utilized for the flow field simulation analysis in the die head of curtain coating. The influences of the sublimation paper coatings solid content and temperature on the flow field were investigated respectively in this study. The results showed that the eddy and pressure drop at the head manifold decreased with increasing the solid content of coatings,and increased as the temperature rising. The die head manifold was easy to appear eddy when the temperature above 25℃ and the soild less then 17.7%. And the die head was easy to produce too much pressure drop when the temperature below 35℃ and the solid contant higher than 18.0%. The die head structure should be optimized. |
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