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膨化法、附聚-磁选法脱除OCC浆中DCS的研究 |
Removal of DCS in Recycled OCC Pulp by Steam Explosion and Agglomeration-magnetic Separation |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.01.005 |
关键词: OCC 膨化法 附聚-磁选法 DCS 稳定性 |
Key Words:OCC steam explosion agglomeration-magnetic separation DCS stability |
基金项目:广西大学大学生实验技能和科技创新能力训练基金项目(SYJN20121407)。 |
摘要点击次数: 7174 |
全文下载次数: 2008 |
摘要:采用膨化法、附聚-磁选法分别对废旧瓦楞箱纸板(OCC)进行处理,分析对比OCC浆中溶解与胶体物质(DCS)的物化性质,并讨论金属离子对DCS水样稳定性的影响。结果表明,由两种方法对比可知,附聚-磁选法处理效果最优,处理后OCC浆中DCS固含量、电导率、浊度、CODCr以及平均粒径均降低,而Zeta电位则有所升高;且DCS水中金属离子总含量更低;DCS稳定性有所提高。 |
Abstract:The physical-chemical characteristics of dissolved and colloidal substance(DCS) in recycled OCC pulp were studied and removal of the DCS by steam explosion and agglomeration-magnetic separation was investigated. The influence of metal ions on the stability of DCS was discussed. The results showed that DCS removal efficiency of agglomeration-magnetic separation treatment was better than the steam explosion process, DCS content, DCS average particle size, conductivity, turbidity, CODCr of the effluent decreased,while Zeta potential increased. In addition, the stability of the DCS in the OCC pulp often was improved. |
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