Application of Prehydrolysis Additives in Bamboo Dissolving Pulp Manufacture
关键词:  竹片  助剂  预水解  溶解浆
Key Words:bamboo  additives  prehydrolysis  dissolving pulp
杨 玲1 1.四川理工学院 四川自贡643000 
李文俊1 1.四川理工学院 四川自贡643000 
于渭东2 2.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
陈广勇1 1.四川理工学院 四川自贡643000 
李 霞1 1.四川理工学院 四川自贡643000 
曾 帅1 1.四川理工学院 四川自贡643000 
摘要点击次数: 5876
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摘要:通过单因素实验方法,研究预水解助剂在慈竹溶解浆中的应用以及溶解浆制备的适宜工艺条件。结果表明,预水解段优化工艺条件为:预水解助剂用量0.5%(对绝干竹片),保温时间60 min;预水解结束后进行碱液中和,再进行硫酸盐法蒸煮,蒸煮优化工艺条件为:用碱量18%(Na2O计),保温时间90 min;在此工艺条件下得到本色竹材溶解浆性能指标为:白度37.3%,黏度992 mL/g,得率29.5%,卡伯值8.0,碱溶解度S182.03%、S103.38%、S10-S181.35%;对本色竹材溶解浆进行D0ED1A四段漂白,与未加预水解助剂相比,预水解助剂用量0.5%时可制得α-纤维素含量96.2%、白度86.3%、低聚类分子数量、灰分及铁含量均低于未加预水解助剂时制得的浆料,且聚合度达1097,可满足多种溶解浆产品的生产要求。
Abstract:Using single-factor experiment, application of additives in prehydrolysis of bamboo and determination of optimum technological conditions of bamboo dissolving pulp manufacture were studied, the optimum conditions were obtained. For prehydrolysis stage, the additives charge is 0.5% (based on the oven dried bamboo chips), the retention time at maximum temperature is 60 min; prehydrolyzed stock is neutralized before conducting kraft cooking. The kraft cooking optimum conditions: alkali charge 18%(Na2O), time at maximum temperature 90 min. Under these conditions, the qualities of resultant bamboo dissolving pulp are brightness 37.3%ISO, viscosity 992 mL/g, yield 29.5%, Kappa number 8.0, alkali solubility S18 2.03%, S10 3.38%, S10-S18 1.35%.
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