Study on Oxygen Delignification of Pinus Massoniana Prehydrolysis Sulfate Pulp
关键词:  马尾松预水解硫酸盐浆  氧脱木素  预水解  红外光谱
Key Words:pinus massoniana prehydrolysis sulfate pulp  oxyen delignification  prehydrolysis  infrared spectrum
屈琴琴1 1.长沙理工大学化学与生物工程学院湖南长沙410114 
马乐凡1 1.长沙理工大学化学与生物工程学院湖南长沙410114 
周鲲鹏2 2.湖南骏泰浆纸有限责任公司湖南怀化418005 
潘晓锋1 1.长沙理工大学化学与生物工程学院湖南长沙410114 
谭丽红1 1.长沙理工大学化学与生物工程学院湖南长沙410114 
曾 凯1 1.长沙理工大学化学与生物工程学院湖南长沙410114 
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摘要:研究了马尾松预水解硫酸盐(KP)浆氧脱木素工艺,并对马尾松预水解KP浆氧脱木素与马尾松KP浆氧脱木素进行了比较,对马尾松预水解KP浆氧脱木素的机理进行了初步探讨。得出马尾松预水解KP浆氧脱木素最优工艺条件为:用碱量3%,温度100℃,时间60 min,氧压0.5~0.6 MPa,MgSO4用量0.2%;马尾松预水解KP浆氧脱木素率与预水解保温时间呈线性增长关系,其氧脱木素率高于马尾松KP浆,黏度降低率低于马尾松KP浆;经过红外光谱图分析,得出氧脱木素时马尾松预水解KP浆愈疮木基脱除量大于马尾松KP浆,马尾松预水解KP浆氧脱木素前后碳水化合物吸收峰相对强度减弱程度较马尾松KP浆小。
Abstract:In this paper, the oxyen delignification process of pinus massoniana prehydrolysis sulfate pulp was studied, the mechanism of oxyen delignification of prehydrolysis sulfate pulp was discussed based on the comparison of oxyen delignification of prehydrolysis sulfate pulps at different prehydrolysis degree with oxyen delignification of KP pulp. The optimal conditions of oxygen delignification of pinus massoniana prehydrolysis sulfate pulp was found that the dosage of alkali 3%, temperature 100℃,reaction time 60 min, oxygen pressure between 0.5 MPa and 0.6 MPa, MgSO4 charge 0.2%.The oxyen delignification rate of prehydrolysis sulfate pulp was higher than that of KP pulp,and increased linearly with reaction time of prehydrolysis,but viscosity reduction rate was lower than that of KP plup. The infrared spectra analysis indicated that the removal of guaiacyl during oxyen delignification of prehydrolysis sulfate pulp was more than that of KP pulp,and relative intensity decrease of carbohydrate absorption peaks during oxyen delignification of prehydrolysis sulfate pulp was less than that of KP pulp.
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