Effect of Pore Structure of Activated Carbon on Performance of Activated Carbon Filter Paper
关键词:  活性炭  孔隙结构  过滤纸  吸附性能
Key Words:activated carbon  pore structure  filter paper  adsorption properties
唐爱民 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
贾超锋 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
刘泽明 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
摘要点击次数: 6140
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摘要:用氮气吸附法、扫描电镜对4种不同活性炭(木质活性炭AC1、AC2,煤质活性炭AC3,椰壳质活性炭AC4)的孔隙结构进行表征,通过抄纸方法制备活性炭过滤纸,用亚甲基蓝和苯酚吸附效率表征活性炭过滤纸的吸附性能,研究了活性炭孔隙结构对过滤纸吸附性能的影响。结果表明,两种木质活性炭的比表面积和总的孔容积较高,分别为1054 m2/g、1.165 cm3/g和1125 m2/g、1.083 cm3/g;4种活性炭微孔平均孔径相差不大,但两种木质活性炭的大中孔平均孔径较大;其中,木质活性炭AC2的微孔和大中孔孔容积均较大,孔径在0.64、 1.2和2.3 nm附近的孔隙发达,具有较强的选择性吸收能力,用其抄造的过滤纸对亚甲基蓝和苯酚均有较好的吸附效率,3次过滤吸附效率分别为92.2%和93.8%。
Abstract:The pore structures of four different types of activated carbons, which included two wood-based activated carbons AC1, AC2, one coal-based activated carbon AC3 and one coconut-shell-based activated carbon AC4, were characterized by nitrogen adsorption method and scanning electron microscope. The activated carbon filter papers were prepared by papermaking process. The adsorption performances of the filter papers were characterized by adsorption values of methylene blue and phenol. The effect of pore structure characteristics of activated carbon on performance of activated carbon filter papers was studied. The results showed that: Among the four types of activated carbons, two types of wood-based activated carbons have larger specific surface areas and higher total pore volume, which are 1054 m2/g, 1.165 cm3/g and 1125 m2/g, 1.083 cm3/g respectively. Though the micropores mean diameters of the four activated carbons are similar, the mesopores and macropores mean diameters of the two wood-based activated carbons AC1 and AC2 are larger. In pore structure of wood-based activated carbon AC2, the micropores, mesopores and macropores volumes are higher than those of other samples. And the pores with diameters of about 0.64 nm, 1.2 nm and 2.3 nm are abundant. The selective adsorption of activated carbon AC2 is strong. So the filter papers made of activated carbon AC2 are the most effective in adsorption of methylene blue and phenol, and after filtration for three times the adsorption rates for methylene blue and phenol are 92.4% and 93.8% respectively.
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