Effect of steam blasting treatment of tobacco stems on improving the performance of reconstituted tobacco in papermaking method
投稿时间:2024-11-04  修订日期:2024-12-08
Key Words:Steam blasting  Organoleptic qualities  Physical properties
Fund Project:河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司合作项目(202441001034002)
王帆 天津科技大学 252000
李嘉豪 天津科技大学 
李宇晗 天津科技大学 
邱嘉骏 天津科技大学 
罗冲 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司 
王茹楠 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司 
李锦 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司 
陈顺辉 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司 
温洋兵* 天津科技大学 300457
摘要点击次数: 37
全文下载次数: 0
Abstract:Steam blasting technology was used to pretreat tobacco stems, and the microstructure and chemical composition of tobacco stems, as well as the physical properties of the tobacco substrate and the organoleptic quality of reconstituted tobaccos under different water vapor pressure conditions were studied. The results showed that the steam explosion pressure exerts a considerable influence on the structure of tobacco stems and the physical properties of tobacco substrate. As the steam pressure rises, the structure of tobacco stems expands, the void and gap spaces enlarge and increase. After pulping, the beating degree of tobacco stem pulp increases. The tensile strength, flexibility and uniformity of the tobacco substrate are enhanced significantly, but it has a relatively small effect on the bulkiness. When the steam pressure was 0.6 MPa, the structural damage of tobacco stem was not obvious, and the total sugar content increased to the maximum, which could significantly improve the organoleptic quality of reconstituted tobaccos. Proper steam blasting treatment of tobacco stems can significantly improve the physical properties of tobacco substrates and organoleptic quality of reconstituted tobaccos, and the steam blasting pressure should be lower than 0.6 MPa in industrial application.
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