Study on the Effects of Oil Camphor Biocomposite Agent and Low Temperature Freezing on the Physical Properties of Archival Paper
投稿时间:2024-10-15  修订日期:2024-12-16
Key Words:Physical properties of paper  Camphor tree bio composite agent  Low temperature freezing method  Archival paper
Fund Project:国家档案局科技项目-运用植物基复合剂进行档案(库)绿色环保杀虫灭菌新技术的研究
张肖宁 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院 644000
管秀琼* 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院 644000
刘 春 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院 
张永奇 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院 
曾明权 四川省档案科学技术研究所 
廖勇军 四川省档案科学技术研究所 
程富礼 宜宾森禾档案虫害防治有限公司 
赵举 乐山市产品质量监督检验所 
摘要点击次数: 41
全文下载次数: 0
Abstract:In order to investigate whether the sterilization and insecticidal methods of archives have an impact on the physical properties and strength indicators of paper, Method 1 placed standard archive boxes containing 1950 published old book and magazine paper, 1987 published old book and magazine paper, 1988 published old book and magazine paper, and electrostatic photocopy paper in a sealed space sprayed with excessive camphor bio compound for 7 days; Method 2: Freeze the four types of paper samples at -20 ℃ for 10 days and -50 ℃ for 24 hours. Measure the tensile strength, fracture length, elongation, tear strength, burst strength, and flexural strength of the processed paper sample, and compare it with the blank group paper sample. The results showed that the physical properties and strength indicators of the paper samples treated with the two sterilization and insecticidal methods did not change significantly compared to the blank group, indicating that the two sterilization and insecticidal methods had no significant effect on the physical properties of archival paper.
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