Applying Accelerated Aging Treatment to Hand-made Paper for Restoration of Ancient Books
投稿时间:2024-06-24  修订日期:2024-07-08
Key Words:restoration of ancient books, paper, aging, color changing.
杨凡* 国家图书馆 100081
摘要点击次数: 59
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Abstract:The UV light/dry heat/damp heat accelerated aging experiment was conducted to the manual paper commonly used for restoration of ancient books. The results indicated that the color of the experimental paper samples was significantly changed under the combination of UV light and 150 ℃ dry heat within 300 hours, and could be close to the color of ancient book. As the experiment progressed, paper acidification occurred, and soaking in weak basic water could bring the experimental paper samples back to near neutrality. The fiber preservation status of experimental paper samples was better than many ancient books with similar colors, However, in some cases, such as when ancient books became darker due to pollution, the fiber preservation status of experimental paper samples with the same color could be worse. The color stability of experimental paper under light and heat conditions was better than that of dyed paper.
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