The Method for Evaluating the Heating Value of Black Liquor By Hardwood Pulping and Its Production Application
投稿时间:2024-06-04  修订日期:2024-06-30
Key Words:Hardwood  Kraft pulping  Black liquor  Heating value
郭彩虹 海南金海浆纸业有限公司 578101
李树木 海南金海浆纸业有限公司 
刘海云 海南金海浆纸业有限公司 
杨泽广* 海南金海浆纸业有限公司 578101
摘要点击次数: 76
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Abstract:By analysis the chemical components of various hardwood commonly used in the production of KP mills. The various hardwoods were cooked to Kappa18 by KP, Analysis the components and recoverable heat energy from black liquor of per unit of wood(Q) of black liquor. Analysis the linear regression relationship between the weighted experimental value(QS)and production measurement(QN) of recoverable heat value of black liquor under mixed cooking conditions, and a relevant prediction model was established. The experimental results showed that the Eucalyptus nitens from Chile and Australia were considered to be excellent pulping materials based on their chemical components. The Q values of Hainan eucalyptus and Australian eucalyptus globulus were the highest, reaching 490 and 468, respectively. The Vietnamese acacia was the lowest, only 157 other tree species ranged from 244~304 The functional relationship between QN (y) and QS (x) was obtained as (y = 0.672x-121.41). Using the model to predict the black liquor properties of the new raw material, the error of less than 5 , indicating that the model can be used to guide production.
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