Chemical modification of organosolvlignin into polyol and preparation of polyurethane foamGENG Chuanmin1, LIANG Jun1, GAO Shuai1, LI Zhulin1, NI Shuzhen1, XU Conglin2*, WANG Zhaojiang1*
投稿时间:2024-04-27  修订日期:2024-06-10
Key Words:Organosolv  lignin, biomass, polyols, polyurethane
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目)
耿传民 齐鲁工业大学 250353
江成真 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司 
唐磊 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司 
高绍丰 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司 
倪书振 齐鲁工业大学 
杨学禄 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司 
王兆江* 齐鲁工业大学 250353
张安 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司 
李群 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院 
徐从林 山东省沂水县第二中学化学教研室 
摘要点击次数: 117
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Abstract:As a by-product of pulping industry, lignin has the potential to prepare bio-based products and replace petroleum-based raw materials to prepare polyols for the preparation of polyurethane foam. In this paper, the chemical modification of Organosolv lignin was carried out to synthesize polyols and then prepare polyurethane foam. Organosolv lignin was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. The prepared lignin-polyol were tested for viscosity, acid value, hydroxyl value. The thermal conductivity, compressive strength and apparent density of the synthesized bio-based foam were tested. The problem that lignin-based polyol needs longer foaming time was solved. The results showed that the viscosity of lignin polyols decreased with temperature. Viscosity reduced from 15832 mPa·s at 25 °C to 3057 mPa·s at 80 °C. Hydroxyl value of lignin-based polyol was 920 mg KOH·g -1, and acid value was 4.76 mg KOH·g -1. Isocyanate, foaming agent and surfactant all affected compressive strength of polyurethane foam. Finally, the polyurethane foam showed compressive strength of 370 kPa, density of 77 kg/m3, and thermal conductivity of 0.0371 W/m·k The foaming time is shortened from 320 s to 35 s by adjusting the acid value or catalyst dosage. The foaming speed is mainly improved by shortening the heuristic time.
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