Scientific Analysis and Functional of the Female Crown Collected by the Palace Museum
投稿时间:2024-04-19  修订日期:2024-07-05
Key Words:crown  chartaceous support  woven silver brocade  gold foil  paper gasket  wrapping cushion
Fund Project:故宫博物院英才计划
巩天舒 故宫博物院 100009
王馨仪 故宫博物院 
王允丽* 故宫博物院 100009
摘要点击次数: 72
全文下载次数: 0
Abstract:In the restoration process of the No. 60070female crown in the Palace Museum, paper was found to be used as a material in many places. Taking this female crown as an example, we select 8 different positions as samples. The paper raw material used in the samples are analyzed by Lunhua XWY-VIII paper and textile fiber analyzer, three-dimensional video microscope, Y. CT Modular and other instruments. By combining the characteristics of various types of paper and comparing them with relevant literature, the different functions of the paper in different positions of the crown were discussed. And the application of paper in the crown and hat relics in the Qing Dynasty Palace was explored.
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