Experimental study on cleaning mildew on the surface of heavy colored paper and calligraphy relics in collections
投稿时间:2024-04-18  修订日期:2024-06-20
Key Words:heavy color paper painting and calligraphy relics mildew Cleaning agent
.邵永梅* 陕西历史博物馆 710061
摘要点击次数: 129
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Abstract:This study takes the collection of "Characters on paper" in Shaanxi History Museum as the research object to discuss the removal of mildew. On the basis of the analysis of the pigment components of this heavey color painting and calligraphy, the species of mildew on the surface of the painting and calligraphy were separated, purified and identified, and the simulated samples of mineral pigment and non-mineral pigment mildew were made by using the successfully cultivated strains. Four cleaning reagents, 75% alcohol, 3% papain, 3% papain and 0.05% ascorbic acid, and 3% papain and 5% sweet alkali, were used to clean mildew. The results showed that the cleaning solution combined with 3% papain and 5% betaine had a good cleaning effect on the non-mineral pigment mold samples, and had little effect on the color difference and gloss of the pigment and the physical properties of the paper. It could be used for the cleaning of the mold produced by Aspergillus aspergillus.
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