《中国造纸》(月刊  25日出版)是由中国造纸学会、中国制浆造纸研究院有限公司主办的专业技术性刊物。《中国造纸》作为我国造纸工业技术领域的权威性科技期刊,自1982年创刊以来,一贯秉承科学、创新的办刊宗旨和严谨、务实的工作作风,致力于服务我国造纸及相关行业。在造纸及相关行业各界人士的厚爱与帮助下、在造纸行业科研和生产一线工程技术人员的大力支持下,《中国造纸》逐步成为我国造纸界声望高、影响力大的技术性刊物之一,在国内外享有盛誉。
刊号:ISSN 0254508X    CN 111967/TS
China Pulp & Paper Monthly
China Pulp & Paper is a monthly publication and published jointly by China Technical Association of Paper Industry (CTAPI) and China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CNPPRI).As one of the most important technical periodicals published in Chinese, China Pulp & Paper was established in 1982. It develops with the spirit of science, innovation and preciseness and serves the whole Chinese pulp and paper industry. With the support of the engineers, researchers and the persons who work in the pulp and paper field, China Pulp & Paper grows into one of the most prestigious and influential paper technical periodicals.
China Pulp & Paper has several columns, which includes peer reviewed papers, technical papers, reviews, forum, production trials, briefs, pulp and paper related news, and so on. Articles cover subjects from raw materials, pulp and papermaking technology, comprehensive utilization of waste liquor and pollution control, equipment, automation and so on. It publishes the latest research and development, and the production experience, which greatly promote the technical improvement and innovation of the industry.
China Pulp & Paper has continuously been selected as “Chinese Core Periodicals”, “Statistical Source Periodical of China Technical Proceedings”, “Source Periodical of China Scientific Quotation Database”, “Evaluation Data Source Periodical of China Scientific Literature” and has been embodied by international indexes such as  Scopus , CA, etc.,and be selected in China Association for Science and Engineering of top journals fourth phase.
Its main readers of China Pulp & Paper are the managers and engineers of the mills, research institutes, engineering institutes, and the teachers and students of universities. The journal is published in Chinese, English abstracts for peer reviewed papers and technical papers are provided.
Publication number: ISSN 0254508X    CN 111967/TS
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