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白腐菌改性CTMP浆纤维表面的XPS分析 |
Fiber Surface Characterization of CTMP Pulps Modified by White-rot Fungi |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.07.002 |
关键词: 白腐菌 生物改性 桉木CTMP浆纤维 表面化学分析 XPS |
Key Words:bio-modification chemithermomechanical pulp fibers sueface chemistry analysis XPS |
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摘要点击次数: 5352 |
全文下载次数: 1511 |
摘要:利用白腐菌对桉木CTMP浆纤维进行改性,采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对白腐菌改性前后的桉木CTMP浆纤维进行了表面化学分析。结果表明,白腐菌改性后桉木CTMP浆纤维表面的氧碳比(O/C)上升,C1峰有所下降,同时C1s峰位向高结合能方向漂移,说明白腐菌改性后桉木CTMP浆纤维表面木素和抽提物的含量下降,碳水化合物的含量提高,有利于促进抄纸过程中纤维间氢键结合的形成;从XPS定量分析纤维表面的木素和抽提物含量结果来看,白腐菌改性后桉木CTMP浆纤维表面木素和抽提物含量分别降低了8.3%和55.9%(对表面组分),而总木素含量和总抽提物含量仅分别下降了2.5%和11.1%,证实了白腐菌的脱木素和降解抽提物作用主要发生在纤维的表面。 |
Abstract:The fiber surface chemistry of eucalyptus chemithermomechanical pulp before and after fungal modification was studied with XPS. The results showed that the fungal modified CTMP fibers had a higher O/C ratio and lower C1 percentage than the control pulp fibers, and the C1s peak shifted to high binding energy direction. This implied that fungal modified fibers have less lignin and extractives, and more hydrophilic groups and carbohydrate on the fiber surface, which is helpful to hydrogen bonds forming. The XPS quantitative analysis of surface lignin and extractives contents showed that the surface lignin and extractives contents of fungal modified fiber decreased by 8.3% and 55.9%, respectively. However, the total lignin and extractives contents of fungal modified fiber decreased only by 2.5% and 11.1%, respectively. This indicated that the degradation of lignin and extractives mainly took place on fiber surface. |
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