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纸张墨斑性能检测方法研究初探 |
Studies on Measurement of Mottle |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.01.007 |
关键词: 印刷效果 墨斑 检测 评估 定量分析 |
Key Words:print quality, mottle, measurement evaluation method, objective quantitative assessment |
基金项目:本课题为国家质检总局立项科研项目(2007QK298)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5352 |
全文下载次数: 1900 |
摘要:探讨了不同平滑度纸张的墨斑性能检测及评判方法。结果表明,4种墨斑测试方法能够较好地预测纸和纸板在实际印刷过程中的墨斑产生情况;主观判定采用成对比较法较为稳定可靠;通过与成对比较法的相关性分析,PTS分析软件采用的光谱法能够较客观地定量评价墨斑。 |
Abstract:The mottles on the prints of different kinds of paper with different smoothness such as color offset newsprint, art paper and one-side coated paper were measured and evaluated. Results showed that four kinds of mottle measurement methods are useful to predict the print quality, comparisons in pairs is a quite reliable subjective evaluationg method however spectrum analysis of the PTS DOMAS module is an better objective quantitative assessment of the mottle. |
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