Chemical Composition Analysis of Tobacco Stems and Research on Their Pulping and Papermaking Properties
关键词:  烟梗原料  漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆  纤维形态  物理性能
Key Words:tobacco stem raw material  bleached sulfate hardwood pulp  fiber morphology  physical properties
潘鹏宇 福建农林大学材料工程学院植物纤维功能材料国家林和草原局重点实验室福建福州350108 350108
施建在 福建金闽再造烟叶发展有限公司福建福州350600 350600
李安琪 福建农林大学材料工程学院植物纤维功能材料国家林和草原局重点实验室福建福州350108 350108
陈欣 福建中烟工业有限责任公司福建厦门361012 361012
杨伟凯 福建农林大学材料工程学院植物纤维功能材料国家林和草原局重点实验室福建福州350108 350108
张静楠 福建金闽再造烟叶发展有限公司福建福州350600 350600
陈礼辉 福建农林大学材料工程学院植物纤维功能材料国家林和草原局重点实验室福建福州350108 350108
李建国* 福建农林大学材料工程学院植物纤维功能材料国家林和草原局重点实验室福建福州350108 350108
张国强* 福建中烟工业有限责任公司福建厦门361012 361012
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摘要:本研究通过水热预处理-机械磨浆方式制备烟梗纸浆纤维,并与漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆配抄纸张。烟梗化学组分析表明,烟梗原料中木质素和综纤维素含量较低(木质素含量为5%~8%、综纤维素含量为29%~35%)、抽出物和灰分含量较高(抽出物含量>50%、灰分含量为~15%),比较适宜制备机械浆纤维。探究水热预处理条件、H2O2漂白工艺参数以及配抄条件对烟梗纤维和纸张性能的影响。结果表明,80 ℃、90 min的水热预处理后通过H2O2漂白60 min(H2O2用量3%),可以制备纤维重均长度为0.395 mm、重均宽度为32.3 μm、扭结角为98°、卷曲指数为15.3%的烟梗浆纤维;利用制备的烟梗浆纤维与漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆在质量比3∶7配抄条件下,所制纸张松厚度、白度、不透明度、撕裂指数和抗张指数分别为1.68 cm3/g、62.1% 、94.6%、5.92 mN·m2/g和33.8 N·m/g。
Abstract:This study prepared tobacco stem pulp fibers through hydrothermal pretreatment and mechanical pulping, and preliminarily produced paper by blending with bleached sulfate hardwood pulp. The chemical analysis of tobacco stems showed that the raw materials had relatively low lignin and holocellulose contents (lignin 5%~8%, holocellulose 29%~35%) and high contents of extractives and ash (extractives >50%, ash ~15%), making them suitable for producing mechanical pulp fibers. This research investigated the effects of hydrothermal pretreatment conditions, H2O2 bleaching process parameters, and blending conditions on the properties of tobacco stem pulp fibers and paper. Under the conditions of hydrothermal pretreatment at 80 ℃ for 90 min and bleaching with H2O2 dogage of 3% for 60 min, tobacco stem pulp fibers with a length of 0.395 mm, width of 32.3 μm, twist angle of 98°, and curl index of 15.3% were obtained. With the mass prepared tobacco stem fibers blended with hardwood pulp in a mass ratio of tobacoo stem pulp and bleached sulfate hardwood pulp was 3∶7, paper with a bulk thickness of 1.68 cm3/g, a brightness of 62.1%, opacity of 94.6%, tear index of 5.92 mN·m2/g, and tensile index of 33.8 N·m/g was produced.
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