Establishment and Application of Pulp and Concentrate Equilibrium Model in Reconsitituted Tobacco Production Process
关键词:  再造烟叶  热水可溶物  热水不溶物  浆液平衡模型  调控措施
Key Words:reconstituted tobacco  hot water soluble  hot water insoluble  pulp and concentrate equilibrium model  adjustment measure
闫瑛 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
田晓辉 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
李锦 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
周浩 河南中烟工业有限责任公司河南郑州450000 450000
田泱源 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
罗冲 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
王宁 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
张利涛* 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 461000
摘要点击次数: 2206
全文下载次数: 1303
摘要:本研究介绍了造纸法再造烟叶浆液平衡模型的建立方法和关键监控指标,并结合模型在实际生产中的应用,对“浆”“液”不匹配时的常用调控措施进行了详细说明,分析了模型应用效果,并提出了模型下一步优化方向。结果表明,本研究建立的浆液平衡模型应用后,吨产品耗液量由0.90 t降至0.82 t,吨产品耗浆量由24.6 m3降至22.5 m3,烟草原料有效利用率显著提升,投入产出波动率由7.48%降至5.80%,生产连续运行稳定性和产品品质稳定性显著提升。
Abstract:In this paper, the modeling method and key monitoring indexes of the pulp and concentrate equilibrium model for reconstituted tobacco were introduced. Combined with the application of the model in the actual production, commonly used adjustment measures were revealed in detail when "pulp" and "concentrate" were not matched. Meanwhile, the application effect of the equilibrium model was analyzed. The optimization direction of the model was also proposed. The results showed that after applying the pulp and concentrate equilibrium model established in this study, the concentrate consumption of product was reduced from 0.90 t/t to 0.82 t/t, the pulp consumption of product was reduced from 24.6 m3/t to 22.5 m3/t, the effective utilization rate of tobacco raw materials was significantly increased, the input-output fluctuation rate was reduced from 7.48% to 5.80%, and the stability of continuous production operation and product quality was significantly improved.
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